Thank you for your existing therefore I can feel the brightness.
Because of you, I know I am here.
Your variety makes me want to praise the beauty of life.

I feel I am weak and there is a place I can hide.
That is too glared outside and I am afraid to step out.

Sometimes it is not that glared and I want to try my first step.
But I am so scared to leave you, leave the place without you.
If there is a day we have to separate, it must be very hard.

Some one told me that the sun is very tender and warm.
And it does not sting my skin.
Maybe I can try to step out from you for a while to give it a try.
I say maybe.
Because I think I am used to be with you.

I am neither black nor white.
I am gray and so as my mood.
I have not yet decided to leave you at present.
Just right now.

One day I will step out.
Step out from shadow.


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